Burton's Blog

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

An Eventful Weekend

In addition to celebrating Easter last Sunday, I had a very eventful weekend. First, I had a very good Good Friday. I received my teaching license in the mail. So, it's official. I'm certified to teach ESL in schools. Yay! Praise the Lord!!!

On the other hand, my Easter was a mixed day. On the "good" side: singing in the choir during the first church service of the day, enjoying a wonderful Easter dinner in the company of friends from church, and being encouraged by the sermon. On the "bad" side: I fell down the stairs at church and broke my left leg! I've never had a broken bone before, so this whole thing is new to me. Fortunately, I broke my fibula, which is the smaller bone in my lower leg--the "non-weightbearing" bone. So, I guess I broke the better of the two bones there to break. Also, I was able to drive home, since my right leg is fine. Thankfully, the Lord has been providing for me through my church family--an ice pack, ace bandages, crutches, a shower seat, and even some food. Please pray for me, if you think of it--that I would bear up well under this relatively mild (but fairly major for me) trial. Also, do pray that my bone would heal quickly and smoothly.
