Burton's Blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

Reading List, Part 2

So, now that I've finished my portfolio for my teaching license, I have actually had time to do a few things--spend time with friends, start putting addresses in my new address book (a Christmas gift from my cousin--I did A-E today and discovered that I know a lot of people whose last names end in "B"), catch up on sleep, and blog. :-)

While I was talking to a friend today, she asked me what I have been reading lately. Not much, sadly. I have found myself with a strong urge to just veg by watching a DVD. I suppose that's because it takes less thought than reading, and my brain is rather tired because of all the teaching and writing and general thinking I've done recently. :-)

However, tonight I think I'll actually read before bed instead of veg (maybe I am getting caught up on sleep!). Here's what I'm reading currently, and the next thing I plan on reading:

1. The Bible (yes, that's a given for anyone who knows me!)
*Genesis (studying this with folks from church--we're about to start chapter 37; just finished a study of chapters 1-11 on my own)
*Various verses/books, using a study called "Cultivating Contentment"
*Next up in the book I primarily use for my quiet times, a two-week tour of Romans. I'm looking forward to reading and pondering it again.

2. Aesop's Fables--just for fun

I bought a used copy of "The Iliad" a while ago. I'm planning to start that after Aesop; I guess I'm on a classics kick.

Not too long ago I borrowed a Terry Pratchett novel called "Interesting Times" from friends. I highly recommend it; it's hilarious.

What are you reading? Do you have any recommendations for me?


  • At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gee, I wonder which friends loaned you "Interesting Times"? I don't believe I can guess. *whistles*

    Have you read "The Time Traveler's Wife"? Karin loaned me her copy and I found it intriguing and original. It's less science fiction, and focuses more on the relational aspect. Plus, she really delves deeply into the implications of being a secret time traveler. I highly recommend it.

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Hi, Rabia! Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll definitely check it out.


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